Mr. Nguyen Truc Son, Head of the National Assembly Delegation of Ben Tre, and Vice Chairman of the PPC, emphasized Ben Tre’s vulnerability to climate change impacts. He outlined the province’s vision to develop urban areas towards green and smart cities, citing the MCPR supported pilot project of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) in Ben Tre city as a noteworthy example. He expressed a desire for development partners to extend support for piloting a broader range of Nature-based Solutions (NbS), envisioning their integration into Ben Tre’s urban development plans.
Ms. Dagmar Vogel, Head of Infrastructure Financing at SECO, expressed gratitude for collaborating with Ben Tre in addressing climate change impacts. She highlighted Switzerland’s own challenges in this regard and acknowledge the value of exchanging knowledge and cooperating with partners like Ben Tre. She appreciated the cooperation of Ben Tre province with MCRP and ISCB projects, co-financed by SECO.

PPC Vice Chairman expressed hope for donor support in implementing prioritized activities outlined in Ben Tre’s provincial master plan from 2021 to 2030, with a vision to 2050. He emphasized the importance of addressing salinity challenges and enhancing the management of urban solid waste and wastewater.
Following the meeting, the delegation visited Dong Khoi Park in Ben Tre’s city center, where the SUDS model is being piloted to address frequent flooding due to tidal range, rainfall, and low elevation. Upon completion, the model is expected to benefit 27,000 people.

In recent years, MCRP has been providing technical assistance, including support for the development of Ben Tre’s provincial master plan, disaster management plan, and the integration of disaster management strategies into the annual provincial social and economic development plan. Moreover, MCRP has facilitated the cooperation and coordination mechanism among four provinces: Ben Tre, Tien Giang, Tra Vinh and Vinh Long.