Field of activity 2 (investment planning) aims to improve coordination of investment planning for the climate-resilient and gender-sensitive management of water resources in urban and rural areas at regional level.
The focus in this field of activity is on public and private sector stakeholders in the provinces. The aim is to plan and implement inter-provincial projects that benefit from the established cooperation mechanisms. The scheduled feasibility studies will explore options for implementing climate and gender-sensitive innovations in urban and rural areas.
An integrated and gender-sensitive strategy for disaster risk management and ecosystem-based climate change adaptation with a particular focus on building the capacities of decision-makers will continue to drive forward the implementation and mainstreaming of so-called ‘green infrastructure’ in response to selected water-induced risks (such as coastal and riverbank erosion for example) in urban and rural areas at national, regional and provincial level.
A gender-sensitive capacity development strategy provides the basis for inter-provincial and sub-regional planning, priority-setting and investment planning by national and provincial government actors. These actors will be enabled to create the inter-institutional networks and decision-making platforms required for coordination of inter-provincial and regional priorities. They will also be able to facilitate the necessary investments, consisting of public as well as private sector investment models. The project is also designed to provide technical support and advice to the Government of Viet Nam and provincial authorities regarding the planning, implementation and monitoring of feasibility studies and investment plans, and also the identification and implementation of successful climate-resilient agricultural models (e.g. for aquaculture/shrimp farming).
This opens up access to international and national financing options and resources.